Invited speakers
Edoardo Persichetti, FAU and Sapienza University
Violetta Weger, Technical University of Munich
List of accepted papers (in no particular order)
Michael Schaller: A Lattice Approach to the BIKE Cryptosystem
Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska and Monika Trimoska: Algebraic Syndrome Decoding
Vu Nguyen, Thomas Johansson and Qian Guo: A BKW-Style Solver for the Restricted Decoding Problem
Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Andre Esser, Andrea Gangemi and Carlo Sanna: Sneaking up the Ranks: Partial Key Exposure Attacks on Rank-Based Schemes
Veronika Kuchta, Jason LeGrow and Edoardo Persichetti: Post-Quantum Blind Signatures from Matrix Code Equivalence
Felicitas Hörmann and Anna-Lena Horlemann: Skew Reed-Solomon codes to the ReSkew: a new code-based cryptosystem
Freja Elbro and Violetta Weger: Can we speed up Information Set Decoding by Using Extension Field Structure?
Elena Kirshanova: Construction-D Lattices from AG codes
Alessio Meneghetti and Federica Zanetti: An algebraic approach for the cryptanalysis of QC-MDPC code-based schemes
Michele Battagliola, Marco Baldi, Davide De Zuane, Paolo Santini and Riccardo Schiavoni: SPECK: Signature from Permutation Equivalence of Codes and Kernel
José Gómez Torrecillas, F. J. Lobillo and Gabriel Navarro: A knapsack McEliece-based public key cryptosystem
Anuj Kumar Yadav, Manideep Mamindlapally and Amitalok J. Budkuley: Leveraging Spherical Codes for Commitment over Gaussian UNCs
Consuelo Martínez and Fabián Molina: On the Construction of LDOI Group Codes with a Binary Adjacency Matrix
Damla Değirmenci and Oğuz Yayla: Secure and Efficient Ligero Based Verifiable Delay Function
Julien Juaneda, Marina Dehez-Clementi, Jérôme Lacan and Jean-Christophe Deneuville: RHQC: post-quantum ratcheted key exchange from coding assumptions
Michele Battagliola, Laura Mattiuz and Alessio Meneghetti: VOLEitH signatures based on the linear equivalence problem
Stefan Ritterhoff and Hugo Sauerbier Couvée: SPARK: Subcode Permutation Argument of Knowledge
Paulo Almeida, Miguel Beltrá Vidal and Diego Napp: Tiny keys for the Convolutional Niederreiter Cryptosystem with GRS Codes
Sebastian Bitzer and Violetta Weger: VOLEitH-based Signatures from Restricted Decoding Problems
Mohamed Malhou, Ludovic Perret and Kristin Lauter: AI for Code-based Cryptography: A Machine Learning Approach to Code Distinguishability
Luke Beckwith and Kris Gaj: Towards Hardware Acceleration of LESS with Canonical Forms
Anmoal Porwal, Antonia Wachter-Zeh and Pierre Loidreau: Improved Key Attack on the MinRank Encryption Scheme on Matrix Codes